Why use Docker ? Part 1
In this article I want to begin to handle two significant questions that i’ll be answering. The two important questions are what is docker and besides for what reason do we use docker.
I will show you a little flow diagram.

This is a flow of probably a process you’ve gone through at least once in your life before it’s a flow of installing software on your personal computer.
Now what ? Well you likely troubleshoot the issue by you’re on Google. You try to find a solution eventually solve that issue.
At core what Docker is attempting to fix Docker wants to make it truly simple and truly clear for you to install and run software on any given PC not just your PC not just your personal laptop your desktop as well as on web server too or any cloud based platform.
So going to very quickly the flow of installing a piece of software called Redis. So I’m gonna grab the command right here.
wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz
error : command not found : wget
Now I could definitely go and troubleshoot this install that program and then try installing Redis again. Yes! that’s the whole point. this endless cycle of trying to do all this troubleshooting as you are installing and running software.
Now let me show you how easy it is to run Redis as if you are making use of Docker instead.
docker run -it redis
when you’re making use of Docker. life really easy for installing and running software without having to go through a whole bunch of setup or installation of dependencies.
So I’ll explain What is docker in Part 2.