Micro services Architecture in Laravel
In this article I’ll create micro-services architecture for small online store.
So we are going to build online store app, In application users can list products for sale. It’s been products listed any user who signs up to our application can purchase products, checkout and make payment.
Architecture of micro-services in following diagram. Let’s have a look and try to explain as well.

In above diagram overall design of application and application have events like user created, user updated, product created, product updated, product add, order, payment etc.
our client interact with micro services and each is connect with message broker called RabbitMQ
If product add into cart, product service invoked and update product status in MongoDB and RabbitMQ ssend a message to order service and create an order with payment status pending.
Now when user made payment, payment service invoked and message broker (RabbitMQ) send a message to order service and update order payment status to complete in DB.
RabbitMQ is a messaging broker — an intermediary for messaging. It gives your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe place to live until received.